That one time at Christian camp…

Yeah, I went to Christian camp once. It was Young Life camp, at Windy Gap, North Carolina. I don’t remember everything about it, other than it was camp, things went on there that normally went on at camp — activities like canoeing, crafts, pranking other campers, especially the ones in the other cabins, etc.

I don’t remember the religious aspect of the camp being overbearing, but it was fun and somewhat seductive. The songs were infectious. Over thirty years later and I still remember the songs, good Lord it’s been a long time.

I remember, vaguely, that I was maybe a year too young to be there officially, but someone pulled some strings. A lot of strings were pulled for me as a kid. I was a quirky kid. I didn’t understand it much then, but now that I have quirky kids, I kind of do. At least a little better. And I’m not much better equipped to help them than I was back then to help myself.

Do you ever reminisce long past days, and remember small things, tiny things, rather than the big events? Sometimes I’ll look back at times like this and remember little but a turn of phrase that someone uttered. And the songs. And the fact that that’s where I learned to saran wrap a toilet.