Some people should read The Art Of Asking

I forgot to write a little bit about Amanda Palmer’s book, The Art of Asking, which I finished a week or two ago. It’s a pretty great and inspiring read. It has already helped to inspire me in my current projects. She’s pretty real.

You might want to read it if —

you’re interested in the dynamics of crowdfunding/Kickstarter
you’re a struggling artist and/or performer
you’re a fan of the DIY aesthetic
you’re ever in doubt about the value of art
you’re ever in doubt about the value of yourself
you want to hear some great stories about connecting with people
you’ve ever yelled “Get a Job” at a street performer
you’re already a fan of Amanda (you haven’t already? why not?)
you’re already a fan of Neil Gaiman (yes, there are some Neil stories in there)
you’ve struggled with the act of “asking” for something… anything… from anyone.

[amazon asin=1455581089&template=iframe image]

Delarcos, Denizens of Washington, and The Godz – Galaxy Hut 2015-04-20

Another fun Delarcos show, my third so far. I was on the fence about going to this one, being a Monday night, and still tired from a weekend of boat maintenance and not enough sleep, but knowing The Godz were playing pulled me off of the fence, and I mustered everything I had left and pulled it off.

Delarcos did not disappoint at all! I think my favorite is still Industry Night, but some of the others are gaining, esp. Tom’s River and That Girlfriend. I can’t explain exactly what I like about Delarcos (besides the lyrics!), but I can try and contrast it within the context of last night’s show to give some idea.

Delarcos lyrics, by the way, can be found at

Denizens of Washington did a good job at what they do. They give you a plate of easily-identifiable food in a predictable manner, and deliver it solidly, along with a lot of ex-wife jokes. I was really digging the tone of the bass. I don’t think they quite had enough volume to get the full feel of what they do, especially during the one song that highlighted the drummer’s vocals, and especially after the Delarcos.

In contrast, Delarcos give you some kind of weird food that kind of reminds you of something you had as a kid, in a weird wrapper. And then you remember you liked it. Even though it’s not the same thing it was back then, it’s still pretty fucking tasty, and you can’t explain exactly why. You just want to tell your friends they should try this, and maybe they can explain it better.

All metaphorically, of course — the bands weren’t really giving out food. Actually there seemed to be a lot of what looked like grilled cheese sandwiches and tater tots moving around the room, but I had already eaten. GREAT BEER SELECTION AT GALAXY HUT. I started with a Starr Hill double and finished with a Fair Winds.

Last up was The Godz.  When I read about them prior to the show, I knew I was in for something unique, and that’s always what I’m looking for.  Unique, and authentic. They’re a psych-garage-freak-whatever band from the 60s. How it happened that they were playing at a tiny dive bar, capacity 66, with Delarcos and Denizens, I’ll leave to the reader’s imagination. But I for one am grateful.

The vocalist started the show by saying, “I’m old, and it’s past my bedtime.” Guess he’s right, if he was doing this shit in the mid-late 60s. And he validated that by one of songs midway through, “Dead and Gone” (you can listen at, which he dedicated to everyone that’s passed away, and everyone that’s going to pass away, which is pretty much everyone.

He also made a couple of references to ex-wives, but I kind of got the feeling that his experiences with ex-wives were somehow different from those of the Denizens. I could explain, but then people might think I’m sensitive. He just seemed, maybe warmer, maybe more open.

The bass player — I love his energy. Ever seen that video of the drummer who’s called out for “playing a different show” than the rest of the band? The band is going through their routine, and he’s going nuts with energy and showmanship. In a good way, this bassist reminded me of that guy. He moved around a lot, played hard, made excellent faces, and fed energy back to the rest of the band, especially in the last jam. I remember thinking at one point, and this may sound like a completely disrespectful thought, and I’m not even sure where it came from, but “Man. I want to go to his funeral.” Can’t explain, but I swear it comes from a good place.

The trumpet player was great too, really added a lot of texture to the songs.

They ended the night with what seemed to be the most widely-known of their repertoire, “Radar Eyes,” (listen at from at least four decades ago, which gradually morphed into this great acid-tinged jam that really reminded me of some of the best Faust jams from that period.

If you ever get a chance to see The Godz live, DO IT. But make sure it’s THESE guys, not the Godz from Ohio. They’re a very different band.

And you’ll definitely get another chance to see Delarcos. In June, if not before. Follow them at

As always, I hope my writeups don’t offend anyone in any way. I try to focus on what I enjoy, to share these positive experiences with friends, followers and random passers-by. And bands are always welcome to reuse any of my band photos. Normally I have a decent camera with me, last night I only had my phone, so I was a bit limited.

Things Have Gone Too Far

I tolerated it when the gas station near my father’s place in Florida had fantastic pizza.

I tolerated it when Sheets and Wawa became known for their food items, sandwiches made to order, etc.

But things have gone too far.

A new gas station has been built, and is not yet open, in King George County, featuring, and I kid you not, OUTDOOR PATIO SEATING.

OH YES. Have a delicious sub or a piece of pizza, and enjoy it in our fine, festive outdoor patio seating, overlooking the scenic gas pumps, and enhanced by the smell of exhaust.


Should I even promote this level of misogyny?

So I was recently exposed to the most horribly misogynist song, and accompanying music video, that I’ve ever seen in my life. And as lots of you know, I’ve seen a LOT of things.

Funny thing is, I wasn’t exposed via the usual channels – pop culture blogs, friends sending it to me, or general trending popularity. It happened on a crime forum. Someone listed it in the forum as it was found on a jailed perpetrator’s social media — in other words, he had been listening to it on Pandora the night before his arrest. He’s jailed for relatively minor offenses, but the consensus seems to be that he might be responsible for something truly heinous.

I’m not even going to link to it, and jeopardize my own social media which feed from this blog. But those of you brave enough and curious enough are welcome to. So I’ll just mention the artist and song title.

Deuce – Let’s Get It Crackin’

The official video is ultra-NSFW and hosted on Vimeo. The lyrics are findable via google as well.

Comments welcome after viewing.

Tarot Reading Lulz

I wrote a silly little app to do a single-card Tarot reading, right here.

It will either give an unprompted single card reading, or if the user inputs a question, it will chew on the question and provide a card in response to the question.

Just for kicks, I asked it how to handle the annoying and recurring email problems I’ve been dealing with on a volunteer basis lately. It responded with the eight of cups. In summary — a lack of interest and low expectations.

Blah blah blah Sovereign Citizen blah blah blah

Seriously, DailyBeast?

The Craziest Tax Scam You’ve Never Heard Of?

Only if you’ve been living under a rock for the last twenty years or so.

I remember the first guy I encountered who believed he wasn’t legally obligated to pay taxes. We were working for a law firm in DC. I was young, and just as inquisitive and open-minded as I am now, and he started explaining it to me, how once you learn the system you don’t have to pay taxes.

He got past the first hurdle, and avoided the company withholding. Then the IRS started putting pressure on the company. I was told by one of the partners, “if he keeps this up and it becomes a matter of us being penalized for his choices, he’ll be fired.”

This had to be sometime in the 90s. Back then it was just jabberwocky about avoiding taxes. I guess this was before it evolved into armed resistance against authority, shooting cops, etc. Back then it was a couple of scamsters getting rich selling you the “educational materials” you needed to learn how to “properly” file bogus tax returns. I don’t remember hearing about the secret bank account associated with every citizen back then that you could draw against with special Notes. I heard about those sometime later. But it’s all the same scam. The only winner is the joker selling the scam.

The linked video is pretty entertaining, though. Shows the result of a Sovereign Citizen trying to shove his way between a couple of obstructive bailiffs.  Go. Watch. Enjoy. Thank me later.

P.S., don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to pay my taxes either. It’s a lot of money, some of it going to support stuff I don’t necessarily agree with.

putting more of myself out there