Asia Carrera is a SPACE ALIEN.

The Pastafariaasian thing (the only member of the Pastafarian Church in Utah to be photographed for her license with a colander on her head “in accordance with religious beliefs” blah blah blah — I actually thought that was cute. I like it when people challenge the status quo on these kinds of things, and I like it when porn stars break the mold and do things outside the porn star box. It makes them seem more human and less plastic.

But holy crap. .254? She blew a .254? Her lawyer could probably get that thrown out just from being so high a number. “Your honor, nobody can possibly blow a .254 and still be standing.” And at 2pm “sleeping on a couch” in the school district office. That means she had to have been that fucked up a few hours earlier, or even more so. I’m intrigued, and want to know more! Was this an all-nighter? Or a breakfast binge? If it’s an all-nighter, who let her leave after drinking that much?