All posts by bob

Support the free library…

I came across this today, it’s a video by someone who has moved into the free library at Slab City, and is kind of now the de facto caretaker of the library.

I love the idea of this place.  I love the idea of this library in this place.

In the expanded text under the video is the following verbiage. I plan to go through and find some of my more exotic books that I collected in my youth, that can maybe find another life among the “dirty kids” at the Slabs. I encourage you consider doing the same.


If you would like to send support in a different form, you can also send support-packages to
PO Box 642
Niland, CA

Some of the things that we can use are educational books on travel, survival, philosophy, politics, art, ‘zines, queer resources, science, alternative health and healing, spirituality and classic literature, “banned” books, beatnik poetry, etc….

Some things that I could use personally are gluten-free and health-food snacks (the grocery options are very limited here in this part of the desert), nails, medicinal herbs, toilet paper, outdoor gear, reasonably healthy canned cat food, decent acrylic paint, professional grade paint brushes, small canvases, india ink and stones for energy purposes.

Some Kind of Sign That You’ve Been Through

… that ripple effect that a highly influential person has upon places he or she has lived and woven his or her magic … a cottage industry arises to supply those who were influenced and inspired; perhaps events are held in their honor, attracting more fans; one day maybe even a venue is named for them, confirming and validating their lasting influence … posthumously in most cases.

Pet Alligator

My dad says he once had a pet alligator.

I’m going to repeat that.

My dad says he once had a pet alligator.

Says he had it delivered. This is when he was still a kid. Hid it from his dad, kept it in a steel washtub in the basement.

In one version of the story, he fed steaks to it, stolen from his father and chopped up. His mother knew about it, but not his dad. An aunt was over, and they were doing laundry in the basement, and his mom said to him, “why don’t you show your aunt your pet?” He went over to the washtub, and she said, “Oh wait, I know what that is…. It’s a TURTLE!” “Nope.” “I bet it’s a lizard.” “Nope.” And he holds it up. She screams, falls backward and breaks an arm or something.

His dad later comes downstairs (looking for his steaks?) and the alligator has gotten loose, and meets him halfway up the stairs. He screams and tumbles down the stairs. Conftonts my dad later. “Boy, you can’t be keepin’ that here. That’s a wild animal.” Dad ends up donating it to the zoo, who sends him a nice letter thanking him for the alligator.

If I remember correctly, in another version of the story, the aunt was never mentioned, and his dad discovered it going down the stairs drunk.

Do you believe my dad’s stories? I asked in my letter to Kenny specifically if that story is true.

Since alligators were taken off of the endangered species list, you can again purchase alligators as pets. One outfit will sell you a 24” male or female alligator for $125 plus $40 shipping. They also sell alligator food pellets. One pound will feed an alligator for several weeks.

When I showed the ad I had found to my wife, her response was anything but ambiguous: